Thursday, September 3, 2009


i'm always happy and excited to see my baby boy in the morning . . . except for one sunday morning when austin said, "honey! get in here [konrad's room] and bring the camera!" i obviously assumed that konrad was doing something adorable and cute. i couldn't have been more wrong. although the smile on his face was the same one he wears every other time he's showing off, his little "trip" was anything but cute. as i walked into his room, i smelled the stink before i saw the mess: konrad had taken off his poopy diaper and proceeded to paint himself, his crib, his blankets, and the wall with his poop. and yes, the brown smudges all over his faces and everything else is his poopiness. since i hadn't had breakfast yet i had to fight the urge to gag. you might think it couldn't get worse. well, think about this: we put him in the tub to wash off and before we could even start scrubbing, he took a piece of poop that'd floated up from his bum and put it in his mouth. i shrieked, ran out of the bathroom, and tried to keep from gagging yet again. austin was left with the fun little project of getting the poop out of konrad's mouth. needless to say, not the way i saw my sunday morning going. it was horrifying then, but at least we can laugh about it now. :)

still poopy
cleaned everything . . . even his mouth ;) (not really)

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